mathew reichertz

“I normally work on large-scale narrative projects. Each project looks distinct from the others because formal choices like scale, materials and color are made in relation to the story being addressed. The history and tradition of painting as well as narrative genres like comics provide the context in which I work.” — Mathew Reichertz

Originally from Montreal, Mathew Reichertz completed his BFA at Concordia University and his MFA at NSCAD University. In 2005 Reichertz was the Eastern Canadian winner of the RBC Canadian Painting Competition and in 2006 was shortlisted for the Sobey Art Award. He has had numerous exhibitions nationally and his work can be found in a number of institutional collections including the Nova Scotia Art Bank, the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia and the Dalhousie Art Gallery. Reichertz’s interests are in narrative and contemporary painting. In 2006 he became a tenure track member of the Faculty at NSCAD University where he is now an Associate Professor.