Sally Wolchyn-Raab

Sally Wolchyn-Raab is a queer, chronically-ill visual artist, writer and arts administrator living and working in Kjipuktuk (Halifax, NS). Their work explores how we relate to our bodies, and how our bodies relate to the world through expanded and experimental drawing. Her most recent works explore social, psychological and material understandings of our relationship with food in the western world. She brings together large-scale drawings, embodied experiences and material studies with a goal of moving our dinner-table conversations away from diet culture and towards peace and liberation. Their art writing examines fellow artists, exhibitions and institutions through the lens of intersectional feminism and demystification.

Sally was raised in the ancestral Lenapehoking territory in Manayunk (Philadelphia) and holds Jewish-American and settler heritage. She received a BFA in drawing from the Alberta University of the Arts in 2010 and is currently pursuing an MFA in Visual Arts and Memorial University of Newfoundland.

They has been involved with Artist-run centres for over 10 years and is currently one of the Co-Directors of Eyelevel. She has worked as staff and sat on boards and committees for small experimental organizations such as CFAT, M:ST Festival of Performative Art, Pith Gallery & Studios, and Untitled Art Society (aka The Bows). Her work has been published and exhibited in Canada and the United States including Visual Arts News (Atlantic Canada), HOAX Magazine (San Francisco), LUMA quarterly (Southern Alberta), Woman Made Gallery (Chicago), Nocturne Art At Night (Halifax), Nuit Blanche Edmonton, and the 2012 Calgary Biennial.